Elevate Your Manufacturing Operations with Leaniar’s 100-60-30 Solution!

In the complex world of manufacturing, the challenge extends beyond producing high-quality goods; it’s about ensuring each product, from part to finished good, undergoes a standardized, efficient process regardless of the production site. Traditional methods fall short, with months spent on consulting to identify, test and automate inefficiencies in processes that vary from product to product and site to site.

Identify and Standardize
Do you struggle to identify and standardize all your manufacturing processes?
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Automate Testing
Are you looking to save time and money by automating your manual test scripts?
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Automate Processes
Do you need to intelligently identify and implement key automation opportunities within your manufacturing processes?
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Do you struggle to identify and standardize all your manufacturing processes? 

Are you looking to save time and money by automating your manual test scripts?

Do you need to intelligently identify and implement key automation opportunities within your manufacturing processes?

Process Discovery



In the manufacturing world, it’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter. With Leaniar’s Process Indentification, we’re talking about automating process discovery to identify 100% of your critical manufacturing processes, the 100 in our 100-60-30.

Overview: Leaniar’s Process Identification is tailor-made to address the unique challenges of the manufacturing sector, enhancing efficiency and compliance across all operational stages.

Rapid Implementation: Transforms lengthy process mapping from months to days or weeks, speeding up time to insight and action.

Advanced Tool Integration: Uses leading tools like UiPath Process Discovery and SAP Signavio, integrating seamlessly with ERP systems such as SAP and Oracle.

Comprehensive Process Mapping: From receiving materials to WIP and through to final production, our solution provides detailed insights into every stage, ensuring consistency and quality control across multiple sites.

Real-Time Insights: Offers a granular, real-time view of operations, pinpointing inefficiencies and enabling swift optimization from the shop floor to finished goods.

Test Script Automation



In the transition to cloud-based systems, manufacturing operations face the challenge of handling continuous and rapid system updates that can consume significant resources, including up to 20% of an employee’s monthly hours in testing alone.

Overview: Leaniar’s Test Script Automation focuses on accuracy and efficiency, minimizing downtime and eliminating guesswork. Our ready-to-deploy UiPath Test Scripts automate the most critical 60% of your processes, the 60 in 100-60-30, enhancing key operations with precision and efficiency.

Controlled, Risk-Free Testing: Leaniar’s Test Script Automation, part of our efficiency framework, validates system updates in a controlled environment using the UiPath Test Suite.

Efficient and Comprehensive: Over 200 pre-built test scripts drastically reduce downtime and increase operational capacity, ensuring comprehensive coverage and minimizing the chance of disruption.

Holistic Approach to Manufacturing Operations: Simulates end-to-end manufacturing scenarios to test interconnected processes from sales order to invoice processing, ensuring even minor updates are rigorously vetted to prevent ripple effects.

Operational Continuity: Keeps manufacturing lines running smoothly despite frequent system updates.

Significant Efficiency Gains: Expect efficiency improvements potentially exceeding 50–70%, safeguarding against costly downtime and inefficiencies.

Process Automation



Elevating manufacturing from traditional methods to advanced automation requires a transformative approach. Process automation is essential for the most valuable 30% of your processes, known as “the 30”, in order streamline workflows and augment your workers to ensure consistent operational outcomes.

Overview of Process Automation: Leaniar’s Process Automation utilizes the UiPath Intelligent Automation platform, incorporating AI, ML, and software ‘Bots’ for seamless process integration. We also incorporate insights from previous phases like Process Identification and Test Script Automation.

Strategic Implementation: Tailored to fit within existing systems, our solution builds on proven testing and validation phases, ensuring alignment with overarching business goals.

Efficiency and Resilience: Optimizes production across multiple sites and upgrades critical systems, enhancing operational resilience and efficiency.

Quantum Leap Forward: Automates the essential 30% of processes that significantly impact operations, propelling traditional progress into transformative advancements.

Continuous Optimization: Designed for sustainability, our automation strategies adapt to ongoing changes, ensuring long-term operational excellence and a competitive edge

Process Discovery the ‘100’

Master Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar's Process Discovery

Master Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar’s Process Discovery

Kickstart your journey towards streamlined manufacturing excellence with Leaniar’s process discovery – the foundational 100 in the 100-60-30 efficiency solution.

Problem Statement

The Manufacturing Challenge: Achieving Global Process Standardization

In the complex world of manufacturing, the challenge extends beyond producing high-quality goods; it’s about ensuring each product, from part A to finished good, undergoes a standardized, efficient process regardless of the production site. Traditional methods fall short, with months spent on consulting to identify inefficiencies in processes that vary from product to product and site to site. Enter Process Discovery, the first 100 in our solution, revolutionizing this critical step.

Our Solution: Leaniar's Process Discovery

Leaniar: The Blueprint for Manufacturing Process Clarity

Leaniar’s process discovery is specifically designed for the manufacturing sector’s unique challenges. Whether it’s standardizing the production of a part across multiple sites or ensuring SOP compliance, our solution swiftly maps and understands your processes. By transforming what used to take months into a matter of days, we provide the clarity needed to ensure uniform quality and efficiency, irrespective of geographical and product variances.

How It Works

Leaniar’s Process Discovery: Fast-Tracking Manufacturing Excellence

For manufacturers, the journey towards operational excellence starts with Leaniar’s rapid process discovery. We delve into the intricacies of your manufacturing processes, from receiving materials to the WIP area and through every production stage, to pinpoint inefficiencies and redundancies. Our integration with ERP systems like SAP and Oracle illuminates every step, providing a real-time, granular view that accelerates optimization from the shop floor to finished goods.

Elevate Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar

Elevate Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar

Embrace Leaniar’s process discovery and take the first step in the 100-60-30 solution towards unparalleled manufacturing efficiency. Transform the way you standardize production across sites, reduce waste, and enhance product quality with our tailored solutions.

Test Script Automation – The 60

Elevate Manufacturing Precision

Elevate Manufacturing Precision with Leaniar’s Test Automation

Pre-empt production disruptions with our sophisticated Test Script Automation, the crucial ’60’ in the 100-60-30 solution, tailored for the dynamic manufacturing environment.

The Challenge: Adapting to Rapid Changes

Staying Ahead in a Cloud-Driven Manufacturing World

In the shift towards cloud-based systems, manufacturing operations face the double-edged sword of continuous updates. While beneficial for staying current, this new reality brings the challenge of frequent, uncontrolled patches, risking system stability and production continuity. The anecdote of transitioning from on-premises to public cloud systems underscores the critical need for robust testing mechanisms to ensure these updates bolster rather than disrupt manufacturing processes.

Our Solution: Automated Test Scripts

Navigating Change with Confidence: Leaniar’s Test Automation

Addressing the “60” in our efficiency framework, Leaniar’s Test Script Automation empowers manufacturers to validate system updates in a controlled, risk-free environment. Drawing from real-world scenarios, like the need for comprehensive testing amidst frequent cloud patches, our solution ensures your manufacturing processes remain uninterrupted, safeguarding against costly downtime and inefficiencies.

How It Works

Precision Testing Tailored for Manufacturing Resilience

Leaniar’s automation solution transcends traditional testing by simulating end-to-end manufacturing scenarios, reflecting the interconnectedness of processes like sales order generation and downstream invoice processing. This holistic approach, inspired by real-world manufacturing intricacies, ensures that even minor updates are rigorously vetted to prevent any ripple effects across your production operations.

The Impact of Neglecting Test Automation

The Real Cost of Manual Testing: A Manufacturing Perspective

The tale of a medical device manufacturer grappling with halted production lines due to untested work order changes illustrates the high stakes of manual testing. This example vividly demonstrates how overlooked testing can lead to significant operational and financial setbacks, emphasizing the value of automated testing in preempting such costly disruptions.

Test Automation: The Leaniar Advantage

Automate Testing

Are you looking to save time and money by automating your manual test scripts?

Are you looking to save time and money by automating your manual test scripts?  The cost implications of manual testing in the manufacturing sector are multifaceted, encompassing not just the immediate financial outlay for software and labor but also the hidden costs of operational disruptions and resource diversion. Manual testing often requires the involvement of subject matter experts, pulling them away from their primary roles and leading to significant inefficiencies. Outsourcing, while seemingly cost-effective, introduces its own set of challenges, as third-party testers might lack the nuanced understanding of your specific processes, leading to gaps in the testing coverage and potential risks to production stability.

Future-Proof Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar

Future-Proof Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar

Join the forefront of manufacturing innovation by integrating Leaniar’s Test Script Automation into your process validation strategy. Secure your operations against the unpredictability of cloud-based updates and ensure a seamless production flow.

Process Automation the ‘30’

Elevate Manufacturing Precision

Elevate Manufacturing Precision with Leaniar’s Test Automation

Pre-empt production disruptions with our sophisticated Test Script Automation, the crucial ’60’ in the 100-60-30 solution, tailored for the dynamic manufacturing environment.

The Challenge: Adapting to Rapid Changes

Staying Ahead in a Cloud-Driven Manufacturing World

In the shift towards cloud-based systems, manufacturing operations face the double-edged sword of continuous updates. While beneficial for staying current, this new reality brings the challenge of frequent, uncontrolled patches, risking system stability and production continuity. The anecdote of transitioning from on-premises to public cloud systems underscores the critical need for robust testing mechanisms to ensure these updates bolster rather than disrupt manufacturing processes.

Our Solution: Automated Test Scripts

Navigating Change with Confidence: Leaniar’s Test Automation

Addressing the “60” in our efficiency framework, Leaniar’s Test Script Automation empowers manufacturers to validate system updates in a controlled, risk-free environment. Drawing from real-world scenarios, like the need for comprehensive testing amidst frequent cloud patches, our solution ensures your manufacturing processes remain uninterrupted, safeguarding against costly downtime and inefficiencies.

How It Works

Precision Testing Tailored for Manufacturing Resilience

Leaniar’s automation solution transcends traditional testing by simulating end-to-end manufacturing scenarios, reflecting the interconnectedness of processes like sales order generation and downstream invoice processing. This holistic approach, inspired by real-world manufacturing intricacies, ensures that even minor updates are rigorously vetted to prevent any ripple effects across your production operations.

The Impact of Neglecting Test Automation

The Real Cost of Manual Testing: A Manufacturing Perspective

The tale of a medical device manufacturer grappling with halted production lines due to untested work order changes illustrates the high stakes of manual testing. This example vividly demonstrates how overlooked testing can lead to significant operational and financial setbacks, emphasizing the value of automated testing in preempting such costly disruptions.

Test Automation: The Leaniar Advantage

Automate Testing

Are you looking to save time and money by automating your manual test scripts?

Are you looking to save time and money by automating your manual test scripts?  The cost implications of manual testing in the manufacturing sector are multifaceted, encompassing not just the immediate financial outlay for software and labor but also the hidden costs of operational disruptions and resource diversion. Manual testing often requires the involvement of subject matter experts, pulling them away from their primary roles and leading to significant inefficiencies. Outsourcing, while seemingly cost-effective, introduces its own set of challenges, as third-party testers might lack the nuanced understanding of your specific processes, leading to gaps in the testing coverage and potential risks to production stability.

Future-Proof Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar

Future-Proof Your Manufacturing Processes with Leaniar

Join the forefront of manufacturing innovation by integrating Leaniar’s Test Script Automation into your process validation strategy. Secure your operations against the unpredictability of cloud-based updates and ensure a seamless production flow.

The Leaniar Commitment: Join the Elite 

With Leaniar, you’re not just getting a service; you’re getting a partner. A partner committed to catapulting you to the pinnacle of manufacturing excellence. This is where potential meets performance, where vision becomes victory. Are you ready to not just lead the pack but redefine it?

Are You In? 

This is your moment. The crossroads between the ordinary and the extraordinary. With Leaniar’s 100-60-30 solution, you’re not just making a choice; you’re making a statement. Are you ready to seize the future, to turn ambition into achievement? Let’s do this. Together.

Ready to Enhance Your Operational Efficiency?

Contact us today to explore how we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific business needs and drive substantial automation benefits.